Costa Rica Hotels

Find the best hotels in paradise!

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We’ve done our research on the most reputable Costa Rica Hotels and recommend only the best. We send our travel experts to many of hotels so they can see first hand what they have to offer, allowing us ensure the quality of the Costa Rica Hotels and Resorts that we work with. In addition we only recommend 3 Star Hotels and UP because we want our clients to have the best possible experience.  Finding the perfect hotel in Costa Rica is easier than ever with our list of recommended and trusted options.

Book Your Costa Rica Hotels at the Best Possible Price

We work with nearly 600 properties throughout the country. We’ve organized the accommodations that we recommend by type and area. All so that you can find the right option.  We charge NO FEE for our services. Booking your Costa Rica Hotels with our agency costs you NO MORE than booking it on your own.  Also, not only can we  usually match or beat any price that you find online, we can often apply additional specials or promotions.  Since we’ve been planning custom vacation packages to Costa Rica since 2004, we have an established, long-standing relationship with our providers and can request upgrades and perks for clients that book their vacation with us.

So what are you waiting for? Come experience the best hotels in Costa Rica! 

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Where to Stay in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica has many great places to travel to, this will leave you asking how will we find where to stay in Costa Rica? But don’t you worry as it really isn’t that hard to find great places for you to enjoy your trip. 

Some of the best places include Arenal Volcano. Monteverde Cloud Forest, the Pacuare River, Tamarindo Beach, Drake Bay, Tortuguero or even Cahuita. 

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